How to Win Friends & Influence People

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For more than sixty years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives.

Now this previously revised and updated bestseller is available in trade paperback for the first time to help you achieve your maximum potential throughout the next century! Learn:



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- ISBN13: 9780671027032
- Condition: NEW
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Customer Buzz
 "One of THE Best Book Ever Written by Man," 2009-10-06
By Robert McRobert (Florida)
Carnegie uses anecdotes about famous historical figures to get his point accross and show his techniques at work. As many will agree, I find this book to be quintessential in anyone's library. The information and advice given in the book transcends all boundaries and all areas of human activity.

The study edition is a MUST after reading this book - You owe it to yourself:

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Path To Prosperity - Mastery Of Destiny - Acres Of Diamonds: The Personal Study Edition

The Science of Getting Rich: The Movie - 2 Disk Set

Customer Buzz
 "Guaranteed Success and Maybe World Peace!" 2009-10-01
By Trevor J. Flannigan
The book this week is the best book I have read in a very long time! It was How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It genius in every aspect. If everyone on the planet reads this book and puts it into practice, we might just have world peace. Carnegie's words of wisdom are priceless, it was first published in 1934 and has been in print ever since!

The book is broken into four section and each section has between 3 to 12 lessons. I wish I could just publish the whole book in this blog, but I don't have enough room... instead I will choose a few lessons in each section and explain how they can be applied to your daily life.

Section 1 Techniques in Handling People

"Don't Criticize, Condemn, or Complain"- From time to time everyone get frustrated because of what someone else does... It might be at work, at home, or even driving (I sometimes get a bad case of road-rage). Carnegie has several stories about President Lincoln's life and one I particularly liked related to this lesson is about General Meade during the the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln gave orders to Meade to take immediate action against Lee's beaten and trapped army when they reached the Potomac. Meade did the exact opposite of Lincoln's orders and called council during war which gave enough time for Lee's army to escape. Lincoln was furious! If Meade had obeyed his order's the war would have been over right then and the course of history would have been changed forever! Lincoln was a conservative man in all aspects of his life. He wrote Meade a letter condemning his actions... He laid out all his distresses. However, Meade never got this letter, it wasn't found until after Lincoln was assassinated. Lincoln probably just put himself in Meade's shoes.. If he had just been through weeks of war, surrounded by blood and bullets of fallen comrades he wouldn't be rushing into another battle so abruptly. Sometimes you just have to consider the other person's perspective and it may give you world's of incite into why they acted the way they did and in Lincoln's case, maybe encourage you to reserve your complaint.

"Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation"- Give everyone the appreciation they deserve. Self-esteem is a great way to win someone's approval and friendship. Now, the mistake that is commonly made is giving flattery. Flattery is counterfeit, it's fake. If someone isn't something worth praising then don't say it. It will cause more harm then good. When you are a woman or man of your word you must make sure everything that comes out of your mouth is honest. If you stray from the truth then you will have a difficult time getting trust back from those around you.

Section 2 Making People Like You

"Remember Names"- Carnegie writes that "a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language" and it's very true. When I see someone I haven't seen in a long time and they come out and say "Hi Trevor, How are you?" they have almost won me right from the start. Just saying someone's name to them makes them happy. I try and make it a habit to remember people's name, especially people that provide a service: the guy I buy my suits from or all the people at the front desk of my apartment. I instantly see a difference in the service I get when I call them by name. You build a connection with people and it makes them happy. And if nothing else you should be trying to make other people happy- so give it a shot call people by name, and if you are introduced to someone try your best to remember their name... this is one huge key to building a great network.

"Smile"- It is a tough thing to do, but smiling will make you feel better and happier and it will make those around you happy too. Now don't do a crazy smile all day and scare people. Make an effort to produce a sincere smile and wear it proudly. It is a fantastic way to get through the day. When you meet people and you show some teeth, you will build and instant connection with that person because subconsciously you have made that person happier and when you make someone happy they want to be around you more. I actually have my latest fortune from my last Chinese meal taped above my desk, it reads: "Smile often, and see what happens."

Section 3 Win People to Your Way of Thinking

"Avoid Arguments"- This is absolutely number one. Carnegie makes a great point when he writes that "No one can ever win from an arguement." Even if you are the one that comes up with the most facts and crushes your opponent into seeing "your side." You have ultimately pushed that person farther away from you because you tore down their self-esteem. And as I said previously boosting self-esteem is a great way to win someone's approval and friendship, but tearing it down has the exact opposite affect 10-fold. Do everything in your power to avoid the argument. Use the following words as a template "I understand your point of view, I didn't look at it from that perspective. I got my facts from ________ and you got yours from ________. Please help me understand your side so we can resolve this." It is hard to think that clearly when you are in the heat of a debate, but just try and think. If you concede and hear the other person's side, you will ultimately bring that person closer and build a better relationship.

"Get them Saying Yes, Yes"- I am sure all of us have had our run in with a door to door salesperson or any salesperson for that matter. One concept they understand is this lesson and you probably don't even recognize they are doing it either. The idea of this lesson is getting someone to be in affirmative mood. If you ask somewhat obvious questions from the start, that have the answers "yes," that person is subconsciously more likely to say yes to what is coming next. So when you talk to the salesperson at the car dealership and they say "You have had a drink in your car, right?" and you say "yes," and then they say "You like to have your drinks cold when you drink them, right?" and you say "yes" again. You are much more likely to say "yes" when that salesperson says "Well you should probably get the Cooling/Heating Cupholders shouldn't you?"

Section 4 Be A Leader

"Let the Other Person Always Save Face"- This is very important for leaders. It is easy to try and "set an example" when you are in a leadership role by reprimanding someone in front of everybody. The result will be pushing this person farther away from you and you'll lose trust and they will be less likely to work hard for you in the future. So always let a person save face. When someone does something "wrong" just make sure you take them aside to discuss the situation. No body likes to be "called out" in front of their peers. It hurts their self-esteem and we all know how important that is! Now I should note that Carnegie doesn't use this approach just toward an employee/employer situation, this can be applied to all relationships. Parents can grow closer and build better relationships with their children, friends with other friends, on so on and so forth, all by using the methods laid out in this book.

"Give Reputations to Live up to"- If someone is told they are good at something in front of their peers, they will do even better at it. So if you tell one of your friends in front of everybody that "so and so" is the best goalie you have ever seen. That will encourage that person to do even better. You have set up a good reputation to live up to and that person will most likely put in the effort, work extra hard, and really become the best goalie they possibly can become. This is a situation where it is okay to single someone out in front of their peers. It acts as a boost and that person will even grow to like you more for singling them out in a positive way.

That is all I am going to write about this book. I wish I could do more, but it's getting to be pretty long already. However, I want to reiterate that the lessons in this book are priceless and timeless. I will encourage each and every one of you to go buy this book. Carnegie is a great writer and I think you will find the book very fascinating. (I did!) And just to show you how important I feel the lessons of this book are I added a picture of my whiteboard. I wrote up every lesson from the book and I review them before I leave my apartment every morning. If you have any questions on the book don't hesitate to ask. I would be more than happy to help anyone that wants it.


Customer Buzz
 "Well written, entertaining and useful" 2009-10-01
By Frandrake (Milan, ITALY)
This book is indeed a great way to identify and work on the main areas that allow us to be more diplomatic and soft, winning people and softening differences. Some advice is obvious, but overall the book is filled with entertaining stories and useful tips, so it's definitely a must read!

Customer Buzz
 "Are you a people person?" 2009-09-25
By Lance Beegle
I have read this book a few times over the years and I am always amazed at what I take away from it. I have worked in the sales and service industry for many years and this book is still very helpful! It may have been written long ago, but the fact is that the principles outlined in the book are those that are needed for anyone to be successful today. I am a travel agent with, and there is little doubt that I would not be where I am today without some of the information from this book and others by Dale Carnegie!

Customer Buzz
 "Unavailability" 2009-09-18
By Vanessa Tran
Why the heck is this book "Not Currently Available" on Kindle version. This has been the second book I have wanted so far that has not been available in kindle version. Thought the point of me buying a kindle was so that I don't have to buy hard books and have them all stored in my Kindle. This is irritating.

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